What is Versailles? It is not difficult to answer this question, especially for those who have been on an excursion in Paris at least once. Versailles allows everyone to immerse themselves in the incredible atmosphere of the aristocracy of kings. By right, the Palace of Versailles is one of the most interesting sights of France and continues to inspire and amaze visitors over and over again. It is enough to look just once at this architectural construction and you will not be able to restrain your admiration from what you see. The guide will tell you in detail about all the important historical events related to the this place. At the same time, you will learn a lot of interesting things about the life of kings, walking along the corridors of the palace, exploring the luxurious fabrics, precious metals, stones and wood. The Versailles Park deserves special attention - an area of amazing beauty with a huge number of flower beds, luxurious fountains, terraces and lawns.
You should definitely book an excursion to Versailles if you are interested in the culture, architecture and history of France.